
Coaching is An Investment in Professional Excellence
Every person must make choices about where to invest limited resources. You can typically find out what truly matters to someone by asking where they direct their money, attention and time. While you may have come to this page looking solely for information about the cost of a coaching engagement (and, indeed, you’ll find that here too), we encourage you to think carefully about the investments of time and attention required to get the most out of coaching.
Each client chooses the cadence of their coaching engagement. Whether you choose to be coached twice per month or weekly, investment of uninterrupted time for your coaching sessions and homework assignments (yes, there will be homework) is an essential part of reaching the goals of any coaching engagement.
Of course, the choice to follow through with scheduled sessions and homework assignments is totally up to you. There is no “consequence” for choosing not to invest the time needed, however clients who do not elect to invest sufficient time into the coaching relationship will find they achieve fewer goals and may be less satisfied with the results of the engagement.
Setting aside time is important, but showing up to appointments and designating homework time is meaningless if your attention is constantly elsewhere. To be effective, coaching requires clients to engage deeply with the coach to provide thoughtful answers to questions, reflect on experiences and goals, and follow through on tasks the client chooses to set for themselves.
When sessions are constantly interrupted by other obligations and you are unable to give yourself time and space to dream up new possibilities, the outcomes of coaching can be stunted.
Coaching engagements with The Atalanta Group are bespoke, designed specifically to meet each client’s goals. Engagements typically last from three to twelve months with coaching sessions scheduled monthly, bi-monthly, or weekly. Coaching sessions last anywhere from one to two hours. The coach and client may also pre-plan longer sessions to address larger issues or to engage in unique coaching modalities such as mock proceedings, recorded sessions, or creative thinking exercises.

Quarterly coaching engagements with seven scheduled sessions begin at $5,000.00